Introducing AndAgain x ClockworksPress
Clockworks Press is thrilled to announce its collaboration with And Again, a brand focused on creating unique garments from repurposed denim. This collaboration is a four piece capsule collection created with the Clockworks Press exclusive image of the Manhattan Bridge. Shop the collection online or visit Better Shop BK to see the collection in person, 155 Grand Street, Williamsburg, Brooklyn from Nov 1-Dec 30, 7 days, 11-7. Super excited to announce my participation in the Speedball Professional Artist Network. Speedball inks and brayers are an important part of my printmaking process. These tools are top notch for both professional and classroom use. The Speedball fabric and block printing ink is a go to for my work on denim and the transparent base can be mixed with sustainable powder pigments as well. I am incredibly honored to be amongst some of the greatest printmakers in the world on Speedball's Professional Printmaking network. Head over to the Speedball site to read more about my work and my favorite products!
November 2022
AuthorHolly E Brown Categories