Thursday, June 10th 2021 20:00-21:00 CESTVia ZoomSee additional Time Zones below Workshop info (via Atelier Indrukwekkend) Meet the printmaker is an online event where you get to know everything about your favorite printmaker! It's sort of an online meet & greet. The printmaker tells his / her story, after which I (Kirsten Peerdeman-Luijendijk, founder & owner of Atelier Indrukwekkend) go in depth with the printmaker. And last but not least, it is time for your questions! Voor deze editie hebben we niemand minder dan Holly Brown (all the way from NY, USA) uitgenodigd. About Holly: Holly is an artist, printmaker and founder of Brooklyn, NYC-based studio, Clockworks Press. She creates bold, urban images that are hand-carved into collagraphs. Printing for the wall, garments, handbags and the home, Holly's iconic water towers and bridges have been featured in Pressing Matters magazine, the NY Post and at the Denim Days festival. Passionate about sustainability, Holly prints predominately on up cycled denim using inks derived from textile production waste. In addition, Holly is a Speedball Professional Relief Artist, teaches elementary art and printmaking workshops. Get to know all about Holly and her passion for (collagraph) printmaking and more! And ask her everything you always wanted to know! Details:
SUBSCRIBE HERE: Meet the Printmaker (online) June 10 2021 20:00 CEST (Central Europe) 19:00 BST (UK) 2:00pm EDT (East Coast US) 1:00pm CDT (Central US) 11:00am PDT (Pacific US) 11:00pm MST (Mountain US) 12:00pm MDT (Mountain Daylight) Cost is €4.95 (Pay Pal is available) Learn more and follow Atelier In Drukwekkend below
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November 2022
AuthorHolly E Brown Categories