It's a pleasure to invite you for the opening of the exhibition 2 x 5
in the Grafische Werkplaats, Friday 12th May at 7 pm. Elske van Holk of STET The English Theatre in The Hague will open the exhibition. 2 x 5 is an energetic exhibition showcasing new print based works by five artists who discovered the Grafische Werkplaats last year. The makers were also asked to invite another artist for this exhibition. An international exhibition with work of 8 women and 2 men… Participants: Holly Brown (New York), Susan Czechowski (Illinois), Angeline Dekker (NL), Tanja Engelberts (NL), Belinda Fox (Australia/ NL), Yuliya Gwilym (Ukraine/NL), Stefan van den Heuvel (NL), Kaori Pi (Canada/NL), Lula Valletta (Berlin) & Mr. Pelham (NL). 2 x 5 is een energieke expositie dat werk toont van vijf kunstenaars die afgelopen de Grafische Werkplaats ontdekten. Deze makers nodigden op hun buurt vijf andere kunstenaars uit om mee te doen aan deze tentoonstelling. Een internationale tentoonstelling van werk van 8 vrouwen en 2 heren… Exhibition 2 x 5 12th May- 9th July Open at Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10 am.- 5 pm Extra open during Festival Holaa!: 7th July 7-11pm/ 8 and 9th July 1-5 pm Prinsegracht 16, Den Haag Comments are closed.
November 2022
AuthorHolly E Brown Categories